C chords

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 C chord and different positions

By filling in these illustrations, you will begin to know every note on the fret board. You will begin to see how everything repeats all over the fret board. 

The first illustration below shows the C chord played up to the 17th fret. Use the blank illustrations to fill in all the chords of C major all over the fret board. Also begin to fill in different scales and modes. Use an illustration to fill in the Aeolian scale in different locations.  Each circle below shows the C chord played at a different position. Each C chord is played using a different type of chord. For Example, the first C chord is played in the open position. The next C chord is played using the Root 5 A type bar chord. The next C chord is played using the G type bar chord. The next is played using the Root 6 type bar chord. Begin to see how the C chord is situated over each scale position. 

The illustration to the left shows the Am pentatonic scale at the 10th fret. Notice how the C chord relates to this position. You need to lay out all of the chords of the key of C and note how they relate to the scale. Use the blank illustrations to fill out all of the chords in the key of C major. Find blank boards here.

Remember use the blank boards to fill in each chord using just the notes of that particular chord. The C chord has been illustrated above and uses on the C, E and G notes, which make up the C chord.

Use a blank illustration to fill in the Dm, Em, F, G, Am and B diminished chords. 

Good luck,

From the Jam room